1 minute read

Last week on January 15th was the last day of the OMS portal before its retirement. It has now completely moved to the Azure portal instead.

Since Operations Management Suite (OMS) have been retired for a few months and is no longer available for new customers, the portal had served its purpose and have now been retired. Nowadays administration of the included services is handled through the Azure portal instead. The services that were a part of OMS are these below;

  • Application Insights
  • Azure Automation
  • Azure Backup
  • Log Analytics
  • Site Recovery

There is a new pricing for these services, which you can read more about here.

Azure Monitor

All the above services are still available, but as separate services instead. Log Analytics and Application Insights have been consolidated into Azure Monitor instead. This is a single integrated experience that lets you gather all monitoring data in one place. This is also the new go-to place in Azure when it comes to monitoring. If you want to read more about Azure Monitor and its capabilities, you can do that here.


Now that OMS is retired, it´s time to step into the future with Azure Monitor instead. As mentioned, all the services are the same but with separate licensing instead. No need for re-learning.

Let me know if you have any questions, and I will get back as soon as possible.
